Do you know THE WAY?
Sometimes on our journey through life we find ourselves lost and wondering which way to go.
We believe there is a WAY that will lead you in the right direction.
Are you ready for more?
Here’s at GOD TV we believe Jesus is The Way, and we are so excited that you are here today so we can take you on a journey to discover more about Him. Maybe you once gave your life to Christ, maybe you have just made a decision to follow Him, or maybe you are yet to discover who Jesus is. Wherever you are at in your journey you have come to the right place!
Take a look at the resources below, where you will find helpful tips, great programmes and words of encouragement that will help you to encounter Jesus.
We are here for you to answer any questions and to pray with you. Get in touch via email on [email protected] or call the number in your region to speak to our friendly team.
Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.
John 14:6
The Importance of the Word of God
The Bible is the inspired Word of God and is the most important resource for growing in our relationship with Jesus.
Join Sarah Crockett from the GOD TV Team as she shares about the importance of the Bible, some tools for reading it, and where you can start.
Getting To Know The Holy Spirit
The Bible teaches us that the Holy Spirit is our Comforter, Counselor, and Guide.
Join Kate Muguira from the GOD TV Team as she introduces who the Holy Spirit is and how partner with the Holy Spirit.
Cultivating A Relationship With Jesus
In John 10:10 Jesus gives believers the promise of abundant life.
Join Ben and Jodie Hughes from Pour It Out Ministries as they teach about the importance of growing in relationship with Jesus.
Cultivating A Relationship With Jesus
In John 10:10 Jesus gives believers the promise of abundant life.
Join Ben and Jodie Hughes from Pour It Out Ministries as they teach about the importance of growing in relationship with Jesus.
The Importance of Community
Hebrews 10:25 teach us to “not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encourage one another.”
Join Ben and Jodie Hughes from Pour It Out Ministries as they share on the importance of connecting with other believers in community.
Additional Resources
Looking for more resources? Look no further!
We've put together some of GOD TV's and GOD TV ministry partner's best resources to help you in your journey as a new believer.