Join millions who journey their Christian faith with Joyce Meyer Ministries. Stream life-changing sermons that blend biblical-based teaching, practical wisdom, and heartfelt encouragement to fuel your faith. Experience the power of God’s word in action, and be inspired, uplifted, and empowered to live your best life with Christ.
Joyce Meyer Episodes
Joyce Meyer delivers sermons that speak directly to the challenges and triumphs of everyday life. Whether you’re seeking guidance in your relationships, strength to overcome adversity, or a deeper connection with God, Joyce Meyer Ministries serves to remind you that God is with you in every season of life.
Joyce Meyer’s Enjoying Everyday Life series is watched by millions worldwide. If you’re exploring the Christian faith or wanting greater relationship with God, Joyce Meyer Ministries supports you on your journey.
Be encouraged to embrace God like never before, pursue your passions, and live life with confidence and purpose.
Joyce Meyer, and her husband David, have been in ministry for more than 40 years. Joyce Meyer Ministries was founded in 1987 as a Christian, nonprofit organisation. David and Joyce have been married for over 55 years and have four grown children. They live outside St Louis, Missouri, USA.
Catch all of Joyce Meyer’s latest messages right here on GOD TV.
The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy (Rev 19:10). Inspired by Joyce Meyer Ministries? Share a testimony of how God has moved in your life through Joyce Meyer. Your testimony demonstrates the power of God in our everyday lives. Share yours to encourage God seekers and the saved.