
Want to learn how to defend your Christian faith? Dr. John Ankerberg Ministries explores the less covered topics of Christianity such as apologetics, theology, and culture, teaching you to dialogue with sceptics, faith seekers, and even believers. Get equipped with evidence-based answers to tough questions about the Gospel.

John Ankerberg Episodes


The sole focus of Dr. John Ankerberg’s ministry is to increase awareness of Christian apologetics, giving you the confidence to defend your faith using hard proof about the reliability of the Bible, the historical evidence of the resurrection of Jesus, the existence of God, and the compatibility of Christianity with science and reason.


John Ankerberg’s teachings arm you with the knowledge to defend your faith effectively, and to engage with sceptics with reasoned arguments and persuasive evidence. John’s ministry is committed to educating Christians and non-Christians about the foundational truth of Christianity. His teaching style is one of respectful dialogue, which makes his ministry approachable and accessible to all.


His TV programme, “The John Ankerberg Show” is aired in 10 languages, reaching 4.5 billion people across nearly every nation. The show features interviews with leading scholars, theologians, and specialists in fields such as biblical studies, archaeology, science, and philosophy.


John was born in Chicago, Illinois, USA in 1945. He is married to Darlene, and they have one adult daughter. John Ankerberg ministries was launched in 1980, the same year that the Ankerberg’s moved to Chattanooga, Tennessee where they still live.


The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy (Rev 19:10). Inspired by John Ankerberg? Share a testimony of how God has moved in your life through John Ankerberg Ministries. Your testimony demonstrates the power of God in our everyday lives. Share yours to encourage those on the journey to faith and followers of Jesus.