
Is business your ministry? Combining his business acumen with the Holy Spirit, Bishop Jarron C. O’Neal teaches you how to spread the Gospel through business. That’s not all, he equips you to live out the Word of God in your daily life. Prepare to be challenged

Bishop Jarron Episodes


Bishop O’Neal is on a mission to make Jesus relevant to this generation. A genuine lover of the Word, Bishop Jarron C. O’Neal teaches biblical truth in a way that brings revelation that can be used practically.


With a unique ability to preach sermons that directly hit matters of the heart, Bishop Jarron C. O’Neal Ministries is driven by the words in Luke 24:32, which is used as a mandate to “teach people about Jesus until their hearts catch fire.”


Having served in the business world for multiple Fortune 500 investment banks, Bishop Jarron C. O’Neal answered the call to ministry in 2005. Just six months later his father, Bishop James O’Neal unexpectedly went to glory. In 2007, Bishop Jarron C. O’Neal was installed as senior pastor of The Fountain Church International.


Bishop O’Neal constantly studies and shares the Gospel with revelation and power. He and wife Crystal now oversee several churches having planted in Arizona and Kenya.


Bishop O’Neal and Crystal have been married for 16 years and have 4 children.


The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy (Rev 19:10). Inspired by Bishop O’Neal? Share a testimony of how God has moved in your life through Bishop Jarron C. O’Neal Ministries. Your testimony demonstrates the power of God in our everyday lives. Share yours to encourage those on the journey to faith and followers of Jesus.