You can overcome loneliness with God by turning your focus away from what you don’t have to what you do have. God shows the way to overcoming loneliness. 

Everyone experiences loneliness in life at some point. No one likes to feel it, and the natural response is to run from it and avoid it by filling life with a million distractions. But what if loneliness is a gift? You can overcome loneliness with God by turning your focus away from what you don’t have to what you do have. God shows you the way towards overcoming loneliness.


Loneliness can be a powerful teacher. God can use it to draw you closer to Him, allowing Him to do a redemptive work in your life. When you feel lonely, go towards God because He can make your loneliness fruitful. 

Jesus understands loneliness better than anyone. Abandoned by His disciples, rejected by many, and forsaken by the Father the moment He became sin for us, Jesus knew supreme rejection and loneliness. 

Even His time on earth was one of loneliness. Though He had a loving family, 12 inner-circle followers, and multitudes of people crowding around Him during His season of ministry, every one of those people were sinful. No human could put their arm around Jesus when He sat in tears and say: “I know exactly what you’re going through.” 

Jesus not only understands your loneliness, but He is destroying it. Because Jesus was alienated from God and man, you will enjoy the full family fellowship of God, and all of those redeemed by Him forever. 


#1 He enlarges your heart to love others

The pain of your loneliness can be used by God to cause a greater ache for human connection. Loneliness is God’s gift that drives you into relationship and connection, enlarging your capacity to love others well. 

Without loneliness, you would never marry, find friendships, or face the challenges that are a natural part of intimacy. Loneliness can lead you to appreciate the beauty of others in a new way. 

Think back to a time when you felt most lonely. It’s likely that you yearned for connection with someone familiar and that caused you to reflect on their best attributes with gratitude. This means that your loneliness increased your capacity to love. 

#2 He opens the door to a deeper knowledge of his love

In the same way that physical solitude helps you to hear God’s voice, the inner solitude that comes from loneliness can lead you to a deeper understanding of God’s love for you when you are alone with Him. 

Even Jesus withdrew to ‘lonely places’ to be with the Father. This demonstrates that God calls us to not be afraid of solitude and loneliness. He doesn’t want you to fill your life with busyness to hide from personal pain and loneliness.  

Instead, He wants you to embrace alone time with Him to get to know Him and deepen your knowledge of His love. 

#3 He can define or recalibrate your calling

Loneliness can cause you to question your purpose and gives God an opportunity to develop your spiritual maturity. Are the things that you have been pouring into your life really God’s will for you? Through isolation, God could reveal a new calling on your life. 

Sometimes, God will strip away close connections with particular people for a season. He does this for a reason – usually as a way of moving you into His calling for your life. 


Facing loneliness can feel intimidating, but when you embrace it and hold on to the hand of God, you won’t fall into a pit of despair. Instead, you will find God’s comfort and hear His voice of love and healing for the places in your life that are broken. 

When you run from loneliness and refuse to invite God into it, ironically, the pain you try to avoid by running can create an even greater inner chaos. You need time alone with God when you are lonely. 

Jesus won’t ‘fix’ your loneliness but the more you seek Him, the greater the freedom from loneliness you will experience. 

God is ever-present, and because you belong to Him, you’re never really alone. This is the truth, which means that loneliness does not define you.  

Be encouraged and be of good cheer for the Lord is with you.

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