Are you facing a financial crisis? Your Heavenly Father wants to partner with you in your finances. Build your faith for financial breakthrough.
Are you facing a financial crisis? The Word of God reveals that your Heavenly Father wants to partner with you in your finances, which means you can experience financial favour over your income, your investments, and your business – nothing is limited with God. But there are things you must do to unlock financial favour and freedom.
God’s plan is to prosper you and bless you. This includes the area of finances. To build your faith for financial favour from God, you must learn to rule your finances, rather than your finances ruling you.
If you find yourself under financial stress, it might not seem like you have control over your finances. But you do because that’s how God created things to be. From the very beginning, dominion was God’s plan for your life – over the earth and everything in it – just as Genesis 1:28 describes.
The question is, when it comes to money do you believe you’re in authority over your finances? Or do you find yourself being ruled by your bills and your debts.

The problem is that the world always seems to find itself under constant financial pressure. What’s worse is that the world makes you feel like you should be too.
If you live with this mindset for long enough, it becomes part of your life and something that you can never push past because you don’t expect God to change it.
Perhaps you come from a background where poverty and lack, spurned opportunities, and insurmountable debt are just the norm. It’s this mindset that the enemy latches on to which stops you, a child of God, from taking dominion over your money.
Ask yourself this: Have you ever just accepted that financial stress, debt, lack or even poverty is just the way it is for your life?
That stops today, because no matter what your financial circumstances are right now, you have access to all that God desires for you in the area of finances. You have the authority to take dominion over money.
You can be debt free, advance your career, and give extravagantly because God gives you the power to get wealth through a covenant He made with you.
It says so in Deuteronomy 8:18:
“And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day.”
Understanding this covenant, being obedient to God’s Word, and resisting the lies told about God’s plan to prosper you, are the keys to strengthening your faith for financial favour from God.
Here’s how to take dominion over your finances:
Many Christians are caught in the trap of thinking that God’s covenant is only relevant to Old Testament times. This isn’t true. Psalm 89:34 says: “My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips.”
You must accept and receive the truth that God’s covenant is for today. It’s binding and forever. Plus, God’s covenant applies to your finances because He wants to bless you, provided you keep to your end of the covenant, which is to love God with all your heart, soul, and mind.

To access financial favour from God, you must steward the finances you do have, well. That means honouring the tithe. The enemy will hold you captive in a mindset that says things like: “I can’t afford to tithe right now.” The reality is that you can’t afford not to tithe.
Proverbs 3:9 – 10 gives you a very simple formula for financial success:
“Honour the Lord with your possessions, and with the first fruits of all your increase; so your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will overflow with new wine.”
If you don’t follow this basic, biblical principle you are likely to find yourself in the same financial position every year.
Your giving is a gateway to financial dominion and all-round financial favour. The Bible is packed with stories of people who sow little and reap much. Your giving sows a seed that will become your harvest.
Prosperity is under attack. Particularly within the church because many believe that prosperity is worldly, covetous, even sinful. When you walk towards financial favour, you will encounter resistance.
That’s why it’s important to stand strong on the covenant and Word of God because some people, and Satan, have no intention of letting you prosper or enter financial freedom to further the Kingdom of God. Be on your guard.

It’s possible that you’ve done all the things mentioned but you still find yourself under financial strain. If you find yourself in this position, there’s one more thing you must do. Stand. How long should you stand? You should stand for as long as it takes to get your financial breakthrough.
You can’t switch from faith one day to fear the next. That is unstable. It’s taking your eyes off God. You need to put on the whole armour of God daily to stand in the power of agreement for financial blessing in your life. Make sure you are surrounded by people who will stand with you in faith.
Patience will be needed too. It will strengthen your faith to see your breakthrough. Don’t try and be patient, you need to commit to it. Then, in God’s time, financial favour will flow in your life.
If God can trust you to steward what you have well, bigger financial opportunities will be opened to you. God wants to work wonders in your finances. Walk in step with Him, develop your understanding of His system for finances, and act with wisdom and watch what God does.
Be blessed abundantly.
Praying for financial favour? Send your prayer requests to the GOD TV prayer team, and we will stand with you for financial breakthrough.